Design your Project
During the project design phase, the projects aims, envisioned outcomes, and methodology is developed. The design phase is an important phase for every project, as it sets foundation for everything else. There are many opportunities to include creative approaches during this project phase, both to make the design process more creative and come up with more creative ideas, and to set the stage for creative project implementation.
In this section, you can find ressources to help you design more creative projects – and to design projects more creatively. The materials include presentations about human centered design and design thinking, a selection of useful online courses, videos and other ressources. Use our learning fches to get a quick overview over methods you can try out in your project designs, or follow the links for additional information.

Learning Inputs
Human Centred Design: The Inspiration and Ideation Phases How can Human Centred Design be used in project design?
Design Thinking and Human Centered Design in Project Design
Creativity for Project Managers Meet Canice! Canice is an e-learning expert and the creative mind behind the Creative Change project. Canice can’t sing or paint or play an instrument, yet he is highly creative. Why? He will tell you in this video. Click the links to access Canice's recommendations Online courses [...]
Learning Fiches
Personas What is it? The Personas method is a fictional archetyping process that represents the users’ perspective and embodies the project’s values. This method identifies all the potential users profiles in order to design tools that can be relevant to all these different types of users. Objectives: To create and design all [...]
Hackathon What is it? A Hackathon is a highly engaging, continuous event in which people in small groups or teams work on the innovation of a product or on a pre-defined problem in a limited amount of time. Hackathons originate traditionally from the software sector but vary in their purpose. Thus, they [...]
Focus Groups What is it? The Focus Groups are discussion groups that bring together different stakeholders. The moderator steers the discussion around a topic that has to be explored and facilitates the participation of the different stakeholders. Objectives: The feedback from the stakeholders help the moderator to know more about the topic [...]
Tools and Methods
Top Tips on Monday is an innovative project management an collaboration tool. Here are some tips on how to use it optimally.
Further resources
Online courses (not free)
Perfect book for anyone interested in graphic design and witty design solutions – A Smile in the Mind
Videos/Ted Talks
Educational Resources
Design Thinking for Educators (Free)
Introduction to Design thinking (One of our courses)
Hackathon Guide