Implement your Project

Project Implementation is where your project comes to life. Between meetings, content development and dissemination activities, all within a tight timeframe, project implementation often is a stressful business. Creative Change encourages you to try out some creative methods that go beyond the usual grind and can help you reach better results and thus increase the impact of your project.

In this section, you can find ressources to help you during project implementation. The materials include presentations about human centered design and design thinking, a selection of useful online courses, videos and other ressources. Use our learning fiches to get a quick overview over methods you can try out in your projects, or follow the links for additional information.

Learning Inputs

  • Published On: 20. April 2022By Categories: learning content implement

    Human Centred Design: Project Implementation

  • Published On: 20. April 2022By Categories: learning content design, learning content implement

    Human Centred Design: The Inspiration and Ideation Phases How can Human Centred Design be used in project design?

  • Creativity for Project Managers Meet Canice! Canice is an e-learning expert and the creative mind behind the Creative Change project. Canice can’t sing or paint or play an instrument, yet he is highly creative. Why? He will tell you in this video. Click the links to access Canice's recommendations Online courses [...]

Learning Fiches

  • Traffic Light Reporting What is it? The traffic light system is a widely used tool for project evaluation and quality management. It works by using red, yellow, and green indicators to represent the status of different aspects of a project. Objectives: Red indicates that an issue needs urgent attention, yellow means there [...]

  • Published On: 9. February 2023By Categories: learning fiches implement

    Sketchnotes What is it? Sketchnotes are visual notes created from a mix of drawings, handwriting, shapes and other visual elements. Objectives: Sketchnotes are a note taking technique which allows people to visualise the concepts they are trying to understand or learn. It relies on the fact that connecting images with information helps [...]

  • Published On: 9. February 2023By Categories: learning fiches implement

    Role Playing What is it? Role playing is a representation technique through which participants are invited to define roles and prepare a scenario or prototype that they will stage in front of an audience. The audience then has a chance to react to the performance. Objectives: Role playing can be used to [...]

Tools and Methods

  • Published On: 9. February 2023By Categories: tools and methods

    The Kaizen Approach Create continuous improvement with the Kaizen approach

  • Published On: 9. February 2023By Categories: tools and methods

    Collaboration Tools A selection of collaborative tools for project management

  • Published On: 9. February 2023By Categories: tools and methods

    Top Tips on Monday is an innovative project management an collaboration tool. Here are some tips on how to use it optimally.

Further resources