Design your Project
During the project design phase, the projects aims, envisioned outcomes, and methodology is developed. The design phase is an important phase for every project, as it sets foundation for everything else. There are many opportunities to include creative approaches during this project phase, both to make the design process more creative and come up with more creative ideas, and to set the stage for creative project implementation.
In this section, you can find ressources to help you design more creative projects – and to design projects more creatively. The materials include presentations about human centered design and design thinking, a selection of useful online courses, videos and other ressources. Use our learning fches to get a quick overview over methods you can try out in your project designs, or follow the links for additional information.

Learning Inputs
Learning Fiches
The Flipped Classroom What is it? A Flipped Classroom provides learning contents in a digitally prepared mode before the classroom/meeting session begins. Prepared learning contents are often provided as digital videos. Objectives: Flipped Classrooms provide flexible learning contents and facilitate self-directed learning in project implementation or project design. The method promotes pre-knowledge [...]
Empathy Map What is it? The Empathy Map is a collaborative visualization used to synthesize information about the users (what they say, do, think and feel). It is a tool to empathise with employees or target groups to understand their needs and emotions. When there is a lot of field information, it [...]
6 Thinking Hats What is it? The 6 Thinking Hats is a brainstorming technique that can be used to explore problems through various perspectives in order to uncover options that might otherwise be overlooked. Objectives: The 6 Thinking Hats technique can be used by individuals or groups to explore different ways of [...]
Tools and Methods
Using Monday for Project Design and Management Learn how you can use the innovative project management and collaboration tool Monday
Alternatives to Monday Get an overview over different project management tools
Gamification in EU Project Management Watch our webinar on Gamification
Further resources
Online courses (not free)
Perfect book for anyone interested in graphic design and witty design solutions – A Smile in the Mind
Videos/Ted Talks
Educational Resources
Design Thinking for Educators (Free)
Introduction to Design thinking (One of our courses)
Hackathon Guide